Awake Yoga Meditation | Meditation Baltimore
Karma Yoga (2).png
Karma Yoga (2).png

Awaken to Your
Divine Reality



In our community, we help one another to remember: Home is right here. Wherever we are, divine guidance, grace, and pure love are always right here with us.


Kriya Yoga

Kriya yoga is an ancient spiritual technique that combines meditation and breathing techniques to attain self-awareness and establish a deeper connection with the Divine.



Explore Awake Yoga Meditation eCourses, workshops, and spiritual writings to help expand your awareness of the truth that is always present.


Truth is one, we call it by various names.

Read about our spiritual heritage→ (1).png

In our expanded awareness, our true self, we already are wise, calm, effortless kindness, one with all of life. (2).png

We have always been and always will be the light that shines in all hearts; as we relax into Reality already right here, light radiates fully and we are free in all circumstances. (3).png

In the midst of everything, we are always our true self. When we feel this reality, we laugh with joy, relief, liberation, ease. We live gladly in divine Love, spontaneous insight, steady strength, and caring for all. 


Selfless Service

See what pure love can do through you.


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